Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ready, aim

I am told my daughter has now figured out how to load and fire a Nerf gun...
Not bad for an almost-two-year-old

Hopefully that'll help take care of any issues that arise if she manages to use the stud finder to find some studs

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


On Monday we had a solatube installed in our (windowless) bathroom. I'd intellectually known that solatubes bring in a lot of light, but the difference it makes to the space is pretty phenomenal. After it went in Kate sent me a message saying that she'd cleaned a layer of dust off of spots that we had no idea had needed cleaning.

Z seems completely unfazed by the change. She seems to take most things in stride (provided that she's not overtired and being told that she can't watch Elmo or My Little Pony).

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Business as usual

I had my first business trip since having Z. Apparently she kept asking for me and Kate kept telling her that I was "at work".

I like traveling, but until Z's a little older I'm pretty happy that my travel is a rare event.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Random memories

Zoë has been building her vocabulary. The other day at Starbucks the barista was surprised when I was adding cream to Kate's coffee and Zoë said "Milk!"

She's also just started conjugating words. She can not only say "Rain", she can tell us it's "Raining"

Watching the cat herder

I remember watching Sesame Street as a kid and Prairie Dawn was always this character that I didn't connect with at all. Now she's one of my favorite characters.

She has this wonderful air of trying to maintain propriety in spite of the world around her. I love how she embodies the necessary futility of being well mannered when surrounded by lunatics. And particularly when she's paired with Cookie Monster she forms this hilarious object lesson of Superego being overpowered by Id with chaos as the consequence.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, there's your problem

There's this guy I sit next to at work. He frequently complains about how he's having money troubles. He also does that annoying brag/complain thing about his recently acquired gadgets, especially the ones from Apple.

Not that I have anything against Apple products. They're quite nice. But they're a luxury/status good.

And, quite frankly, living within your means is something I respect way more than a phone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Confession time

I think I've now listened to more Caspar Babypants than Presidents of the United States (and that includes having the radio station incessantly play Lump during my college years).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Random memories

This morning Z picked up a pair of foam rubber rectangles and said 'fly'. This was definitely an improvement over her blowing raspberries as a way to ask for an airplane ride.

Kate's loom is partially packed away but Z likes to look at the yarn running through it. Invariably she knocks the beater bar loose and says "fall" when it tumbles down onto the partially woven fabric.

This evening Z opened up Kate's laptop for the first time. I think we'll have to get Kate's laptop set up to lock itself after it's been closed.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random memories

This morning Zoë was playing a game she learned from a TV show. She shouts "run run run" and gets people to run and then points and shouts "freeze" (or the toddlerish equivalent of it). Everyone freezes. Then she shouts "run run run" and the game starts over again.

Yesterday she was getting grandma and grandpa to blow raspberries when she pointed at them.

She has started noticing when the nesting cups she's stacking aren't in the right order.

When it was snowing a few weeks ago she was running around with her tongue pointed at the sky so that she could catch snowflakes.